Kodex Softwares



Remastered v1.3 • October 18, 2024

  • Important bug fixes:
    • On computers that do not use the Gregorian calendar (e.g., Thailand, etc.), agents sometimes failed to run. This issue has been completely resolved, and agents will work smoothly regardless of whether the Gregorian calendar or any other calendar system is used.
      • With this update, you will need to rebuild your agents.
  • The right-click menu (FTP Server) within Kodex Keylogger has been customized, and the icons have been changed.

Remastered v1.2 • September 1, 2024

  • A time-based self-destruction feature has been added to the FTP/SMTP agents. Users can enable this feature to have the agent automatically delete itself after a specified duration.
    • A ‘Calculate’ button has been added so users can view the self-destruction date.
  • New security measures have been implemented to Kodex Keylogger.
    • File binder is no longer allowed to bind Kodex Softwares.
    • If Kodex Keylogger has been modified, it will detect the alteration and the application will not launch. 
  • The 100 MB file limit for the binder (FTP and SMTP Agent) has been increased to 300 MB.
  • The KleenScan interface was adjusted and some unpopular AVs were removed (Total number of AVs: 30).

Remastered v1.1 • July 17, 2024

  • High-DPI support has been added to Kodex Keylogger Remastered. Additionally, the screen scaling issue that occurred with high DPI settings has been completely resolved.
  • Added Custom Message instead of Error Message (optional) for SMTP/FTP agent builders. User can select their preferred icon for custom message (Error, Warning or Information).
  • The technique used for binding files has been completely rewritten and all existing issues have been resolved. The 5 MB file limit has been increased (up to 100 MB).
    • The unnecessary file size increase during the binding process has been fixed; now the size of your original agent will only increase by the size of the file to be bound.
      • For example: If the agent size is 700 KB and the file size to be bound is 10 MB, the total file size will be 10.7 MB.
  • Various bug fixes related to the .NET Framework v4.5 builder have been made in the background.
    • The builder will be re-installed the next time you create an agent.
  • The issue where the “kleenscan_api.txt” file in the Autofill folder was not being updated when the KleenScan API key was changed has been fixed.
  • The execution order of the sleep feature in Extra Features has been changed.

Remastered v1.0 • June 10, 2024

  • Kodex Keylogger completely rewritten using .NET Framework. All the issues (UI freezing, etc.) related with Kodex Keylogger, has been resolved with the Remastered version.
  • PowerShell support has been removed for agents (all agents are now written in .NET Framework), thereby expanding the number of platforms agents can operate on: Windows 7/8/8.1/10/11, Windows Server 2008/2012/2016/2019/2022.
  • License system has been entirely revamped, speeding up license verification, and the servers have been renewed (completely eliminating connection issues).
  • With Kodex Keylogger Remastered, HWID reset has been automated (eliminating the need for customers to contact the support team for HWID reset; they can automatically transfer their license to another machine).
  • Auto Updater feature has been added to Kodex Keylogger Remastered. Customers will no longer need to deal with third-party sites; updates will be automatically downloaded and installed with a single click.
  • Extreme sizes of Kodex Keylogger (40 MB) have been reduced to (<10 MB).
  • Kodex Keylogger has been completely automated: Once you enter your license key/FTP & SMTP information (for connection and agent creation)/KleenScan API key, it will be automatically saved on your computer. This eliminates the need to manually input the information again.
  • Added a resize feature to the User Interface.
  • Significant background changes have been made regarding software security & performance (including: If any reverse-engineering tool used in conjunction with Kodex Keylogger Remastered is detected, the software will automatically shut down).
  • New additional features have been added, and existing features have been enhanced (features will be optional, allowing users to add or remove these features to any desired agents):
    • Persistence
    • Screen Logger
    • Clipboard Logger
    • Anti-VM
    • Private Encrypter (Added “Private Encrypter” instead of “Encrypter”. Algorithm completely changed, using AES now)
    • Binder
    • Icon Selection
    • Error Message
    • Sleep before execution
    • x86/x64/ANY CPU selection
    • Assembly information (File Description, Company Name, Copyright, etc.)
    • Silent
    • No-Traces
  • Private encrypter model has been completely overhauled and enhanced. Moving forward, FTP and SMTP informations will be encrypted using AES.
  • Significantly enhanced the ‘No Traces’ feature: all files/folders used by agents in the background are now set to ‘Hidden’.
  • Anti-VM feature has been strengthened; agents with this feature enabled are now configured to stop functioning if they detect an already active reverse-engineering tool.
  • Error Message feature has been introduced for agents (you can optionally prompt an error message when the agent is executed on the target system).
  • Flexibility has been introduced for creating agents with or without icons, and with or without binding.
  • All the troublesome ‘path cannot contain special characters or spaces’ rules have been removed when creating agents.
  • Included new extensions for Binder: .exe, .pdf, .png, .jpg.
  • Persistence module has been enhanced and all issues resolved. Additionally, the requirement for the created agent to retain the same name has been eliminated. After the build, even if the agent’s name is changed, the persistence feature will still function.
  • Binder and persistence features have been integrated with each other. While the Bind feature is active, the agent added to startup will not execute the bound file upon system restart.
  • Removed default admin requirements for agents.
  • UAC Bypass, as agents no longer require default administrator privileges, has been removed.
  • WD Exclusion method has been removed. This feature, intended to add itself to exclusions, was inadvertently triggering an aggressive mode in Defender, contrary to its purpose.
  • Version information has been added to the login and main page.
  • Agents are configured to support all keyboard layouts, ensuring no issues arise across different layouts.
  • Default agent sizes have been reduced/stabilized (700 KB).
  • All agents have been rewritten from scratch, and all existing issues have been fixed.
    • File upload speed to FTP has been doubled for the FTP agents.
    • The Screen Logger feature has been added (it’s optional). It has been optimized for resolutions such as 100%, 125%, 150%, etc.
      • Added custom time range feature for Screen Logger (customers will be able to completely set the time range they want for retrieving logs).
    • All agents will transmit the following information obtained from the target system to your server along with the logs: Public IP Address, Location, Country, Computer Name, Username, RAM, OS Name, OS Bit, GPU, CPU.
    • Location information (US, TR, GER, etc.) has been completely improved. Instead of retrieving this information from the target system’s current keyboard layout, it will now show the actual location.
    • A window catcher has been added (it will be logged as follows: Active Window: Notepad).
    • The issue where logs were sometimes recorded as ‘ttttteeeessssttt’ has been completely resolved with the Remastered version.
  • KleenScan agent scanning system has been completely revamped and improved. All antivirus programs have been added (customers can choose their preferred antivirus for scanning).
    • Results section has been configured to be detailed (Antivirus Name/Detection/Last Updated), and a button for automatic redirection to view results online has been added.
  • FTP Server section now includes functionalities for deleting directories/files and logging out. Additionally, all connections have been configured to be made securely via SSL/TLS (1.2).
    • FTPs support has been introduced as default. FTP connections made through Kodex Keylogger Remastered or your agent will now be encrypted with SSL/TLS (1.2) for complete security.
    • File download system from the FTP server has been enhanced; all files will be downloaded along with their respective directory names for better organization.
    • ‘Test FTP’ feature has been added for the FTP settings, allowing a one-click test to validate entered FTP information.
    • All connection dropout issues for the FTP server section have been resolved, and the table has been detailed as follows: NAME/TYPE (File or Directory)/PATH
  • SMTP section has been completely revamped. All connections have been configured to be made securely via SSL/TLS (1.2).
    • SMTP connections made through Kodex Keylogger Remastered or your agent will now be encrypted with SSL/TLS (1.2) for complete security.
    • ‘Test SMTP/E-Mail’ feature has been added for the SMTP settings, allowing a one-click test to validate entered SMTP information.
    • Added ‘smtp.x.com’ support; from now on, any desired mail service can be used (the Gmail restriction has been lifted).
  • With this update, all PDFs have been refreshed, and a public PDF (Features) has been published. You can view the PDF by clicking here.

v1.1 • June 14, 2023

  • Added new AVs to KleenScan system, and the “something went wrong” error has been completely resolved
  • Minor bug fixes (new software security system)

v1.0 • June 9, 2023

  • First public release of Kodex Keylogger:
    • Added SMTP Agent Builder
    • Added FTP Server System
    • Added FTP Agent Builder
    • Added Clipboard Logger
    • Added Encrypter & Binder
    • Added KleenScan Agent Scan System
    • Added WD-Bypass, UAC-Bypass, Silent, No-Traces, Anti-VM modules